Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born on the 18 July 1918 in Mvezo, Cape Province in the union of South Africa. He was the first black chief executive and ruled over south Africa from the year 1994 to 1999. He was the first president elected in democratic elections with votings from the entire population.
Mandela grew in the small village Qunu during the apartheid and he was the first child in his family to get an education. Mandela continued his studies in Clarkebury Boarding institute where he then got familliar with the western culture. As a young university student Nelson got very involved in the political opposition to the white minority government's denial of political, social and economic rights to South Africa's black majority population. Nelson together with his two friends Walter Sisulu och Oliver Tambo joined the ANC Youth League in 1942.
After the party Nasionale Parties won the election, which of course the black people could not vote in, they introduced an even tougher race policy which they called apartheid. This meant, among other things whites and blacks are not allowed to marry each other, the people were divided into different races and each race would live separately from. This led the families had to move and families where family members belonged to different races were divided. During this time Nelson and his friend Oliver drove a law firm called "Nelson and Tambo" where they gave legal advice for free or for a low cost for low-income black South Africans.
Mandela became very involved in the struggle against apartheid. He tried to change th laws through a non-violent campaign. But it was difficult to organize a real resistance. The people in the ANC had all different opinions, everyone wanted to do differently. Also there were many other parties that all competed for the members. The ANC allied themselves with the other parties of other minorities, for example the white, colored and the indians.
In th beginning Mandela was against the violent resistance. But he later realized that his party had to put up a fight against the government after the the massacre in Sharpeville. Mandela coordinated a sabotage campaign against the military and government targets, and planned a war if sabotage failed to get the policy of apartheid to an end.
On the 11th of July 1964 Mandela was sentenced to a lifetime in prison. He was prisoned on the Robben Island where he would spend the next 18 years. During his time in prison, Mandela managed to maintain contact with the ANC.
In south Africa the demostrations and sabotage continued against apartheid. And even the rest of the world started to demonstrate against South Africas government. They wanted to isolate South Africa from all international cooperatin as long as the apartheid system still remained.
In 1982 Nelson was relocated after 18 years on Robben Island to a prison in Pollsmoor in the south of Cape Town. In 1985, South Africas current president P.W Botha came with a proposal to release Mandela. His demands was that Mandela would give up the armed struggle. But Mandela refused. He said that if the government continued with their violence against the people he would not give up their power.
In October 1989 South Africas new president Frederik Willem released Walter Sisulu and 7 other ANC members. He explained that the ANC and other banned 33 political parties would be allowed, that all executions would be canceled and that all political prisoners who have not committed any violent crimes.
The 11th february 1989 Nelson Mandela was finally released after 27 years in prison.
In 1993 Nelson Mandela and Frederik Willem de Klerk received the Nobels peaceprice in Oslo. Nelson continued fighting against the violence and unite all the different ethnic groups and political parties. In 1994 they held a democratic election where everbody could vote. The ANC had 62% of the votes and won the election. Mandela was chosen to become South Africas president. He wanted to reconcile with the whites sohe named de Klerk as vice president.
Mandela was president and leader for the ANC until 1999. Even after Nelson had retired, he was still working hard to support organizations who was promoting social justice and human rights. He was also involved in the fight against AIDS. He has received numerous awards and been praised worldwide for his work for his country and his people.
OHYEASSS BITCHÄÄÄS! numera ser ni mig på;
så in där förfan!
i still wait.
hejheeeeeeeej. nu har jag lyssnat på massa ed sheeran låtar (kärlek honom) & mår mucho bättre. så tänkte blogga lite ba så ni vet att jag lever! haha. käkar nattmackor just nu som jag btw gör varje natt, inte alls bra att käka på natten, så får försöka att sluta. har så sjukt ont i min rygg, kan typ inte gå? wtf typ. aja gossipgirl - time, pussar.
he doesn't deserve to be in my life, but somehow I still want him.
hej goingar. denna dagen har varit sämst och vädret har sugit balle, typ deppig måndag? aja pallar inte skriva mer, pussar.
she can fucku good, but i can fucku better
hejheeeeeeej, haft en helt galet underbar dag med line idag! inte skrattat så mke på länge, grät nästan hahaha. hon kom till mig vid två & först stack vi t stranden och träffade cissi, pasti & lova. vi var där ett tag & badade, lyssnade på musik osvosv. sen blev de askallt & vi blev hungriga så vi cyklade hem t henne, båda var såhär heeelt döda så de tog typ en timme, haha sega tjejer. när vi kom hem käkade vi som galningar & sen ba chillade i kvällssolen, underbart! ♥
denna cpbilden tog vi fan om 20 ggr, & kolla resultatet... hahahah
hejheeeeej, kom hem för en stund sen och mina fötter är heeeelt döda! har hunnit duscha & äter just nu. ska faktist sova typ nästan direkt efter dehär, är såååå trött. har iallafall haft det gaaaaalet kul på liseberg! :D
försov mig ganska rejält idag för jag snackade med ludde hela kvällen igår. men jag klarade mig, heheheh ba lite stress... åkte med vickan & sandy och när vi kom t busshållplatsen så var aida & penelope där osåå. så vi var med dom under hela dagen, fetekuuul! vi gjorde typ dom klassiska grejjerna t.ex käka på burgerking (standard) äta ben&jerry, besöka lisebergs affären & leka turister hahaha osv. hittade en assnygg keps, ngn nyckelgrejaa & sillybaaandz. visar imon! ;) På slutet så åkte vi kållorado två ggr & flumeride en gång, så satt dyngsur på bussen haha. men nu är jag cptrött & ska sova, natti på er! ♥
I'm not immature, I just know how to have fun!
hejheeeeeeeej, kom hem för en stund sen från ullared & har tagit foto på mina grejjs. det var cpkul & påvägen dit så flummade jag och pasti i bilen, medans tilda typ sov hahaha. när vi var där så fick jag typ världens mensvärk som aldrig försvann, men jag överlevde! efter ett tag så fikade vi på ett supermumsigt café & tildas söta mormor bjöd mig. :D också ba när vi sprang runt där så såg vi juliaofsweden helt random, blev aaaschockad heheheh.
ni får se shååppingen på ett annat inlägg! PUSSAR
and little did he know that she loved him with all all her heart.
hejhejheeej, är astrött just nuuuu. har varit ute hela kvällen med tilda, pasti & line! vi stack t stranden, lyssnade på musik & pundade vid en busshållplats haha skit kul! imorgon sticker jag iväg till ullared med tilda & kanske pasti, ska bli aaaasnice.
det är alla känslor som ger ett leénde på mina läpparna
hejheeeeeeeeej, snackar med sandy just nu & vi planerar våran resa till liseberg, taggade tjejer här ohyäässs! svettas typ som en gris, så jäkla varmt just nu men de är inte ngn sol heller haha, wtf vädret :bigeyes:
idag på morgonen vaknade jag nio helt död & gick t amie. vi skulle ut & jogga och de gick faktist ganska braaa! underbar morgon sol när vi var och gick på stranden. efter de stack jag hem & åkte t brottet me mami, hennes kompis & hnes bebiis, assöt! ikv kanske jag hittar på ngt med line, får seee! men nu ska jag äta, pussar
underbara unge! hihi
it really feels right.
nämen halloj! lyssnar på musik just nu, trodde mina hörlurar hade gått sönder innan fick fan panik, men sen funka dom igen haha. nu har jag snackat me amie & hon gick med på att dra ut och jogga imorgon på morgonen vid tio, taggaa!! så idag gäller de att sova tidigt, haha.
my dream!
nu ska jag börja fixa mig, pussar